MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy:- MIDHANI, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited has recently issued a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Welder vacancy. All candidates sit in hopes of getting a better job, they have to apply to the Posts. Any kind information about (MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy) like age limit, educational qualification, application fee, selection process, pay scale, how to apply & other information are mentioned below…
MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy
Organization Name:- | MIDHANI, Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited |
Advt.No. MDN/HR/FTC/4/2020 Date:20.11.2020 | |
Age Limit:- | The upper age limit 30 years |
Post Details:- | Assistant (Level-2) Welder |
Total Number of Vacancy:- | 3 |
All Eligible Criteria of MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy
Age Limit & Relaxation: Candidates upper age limit should be 30 years as on 20.11.2020. The Upper age limit will be relaxable for reserved/ Backwards categories candidates as per Indian Government Rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have done their SSC + ITI Trade from a reputed School/ Board/ University recognized by Govt.
Consolidated Pay:- Selected candidates will receive Rs. 24180/- per month.
[For a bright description of age relaxation, educational qualification and Pay Scale see the official notification]
How to Apply & Selection Procedure of Assistant Welder Vacancy
How To Apply:- Candidates who are heavy interest for this Job Vacancy & also want to apply for MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy easily can apply to the posts. But the main point is you should apply on the 05.12.2020. Interested candidates to reach the venue by 07:30 hrs and candidates will not be allowed after 11:00 hrs at “Brahm Prakash DAV School, MIDHANI Township, Hyderabad–500058”. Candidates should mandatory bring all the original certificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in support of date of birth, educational qualification, experience including ESI & EPF statements, category etc with 2 recent passport size photographs.
Selection Procedure:- Candidates will be selected based on their Walk-in-selection and Subsequent to written test, trade test will also be conducted at a later date, to those candidates who are further shortlisted in the written exam.
I have one suggestion for all applicants who want to get this job to make a bold career for his future & upcoming life, please prepare for the full selection criteria. Because this is a great opportunity for your career.
Also Check Your Category & Qualification Wise Jobs:-
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Graduation Degree Jobs:- | Click Here |
Important Link:-
Official Notification
Important Note:- I personally inform you if you are eligible for this recruitment & also want to apply for (MIDHANI Jobs 2020 – Assistant Welder Vacancy). So you should carefully read the official advertisement for the proper information given by MIDHANI Recruitment Board.
If you have any doubt/ question about this whole recruitment details please comment below. Our help team gives you the correct suggestion on your query. And at last, I want to say all the Indian citizen candidates who want to find defence jobs for his career follow our website to get the correct Defence Jobs Update on time.
Note:- The content given above are meant for informational purpose only in the interest of job seekers. Defencejobsinindia.com is not a recruitment agency and do not carry any recruiting process. www.defencejobsinindia.com is a news media which provides first-hand basic info on various recruitment’s going all over India. Job seekers are requested to go to the official website of the company/department for complete details & application process.